XML Minifier

Simplify, Minify, and Optimize Your XML Code

Input: 0 bytes
Output: 0 bytes
Compression: 0%
Saving: 0 bytes

What is XML-Minifier.org?

XML-Minifier.org is a tool designed to help you compress and optimize XML code. It allows you to minify XML code by removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and other redundant code, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster loading times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is XML-Minifier.org?

XML-Minifier.org is an online tool designed to compress and optimize XML code by removing unnecessary characters, such as whitespaces and comments, to reduce file size and improve loading times.

How do I minify my XML file?

Simply paste your XML code into the input field or upload your file, and click the "Minify" button. The tool will compress your code and provide a downloadable, optimized version.

What does "Beautify" mean?

"Beautify" refers to converting minified or compressed XML code back into a more readable format by adding necessary whitespaces, line breaks, and indentation.

Can I undo the minification of my XML code?

Yes, XML-Minifier.org provides a "Beautify" option that lets you revert minified XML to a readable format, making it easier to debug and edit.

Are there any limitations on the file size for minification?

While there is no strict file size limit, larger files may take longer to process or may encounter browser limitations. If you experience issues, consider splitting the file into smaller parts.

Is my XML code secure when using XML-Minifier.org?

Yes, XML-Minifier.org processes your code directly in your browser, and no data is sent to a server. This ensures your code remains secure and private.

Does XML-Minifier.org support modern XML syntax?

Yes, XML-Minifier.org is compatible with all standard XML syntax and features. It will minify or beautify your code accordingly.

Can I use XML-Minifier.org offline?

Currently, XML-Minifier.org requires an internet connection to function. However, because it runs entirely in the browser, your code remains secure and private during the process.

How can I provide feedback or report issues?

If you have feedback or encounter any issues, please use the contact form or feedback section available on the website.